First Visit

Your Child's first Dental Visit

We highly recommend your children's first dental visit occur between his or her 1st and 2nd birthday. For Children old enough to understand, We advise that you not over prepare your child for their first dental visit, and it is advisable, that you simply say to your child that the pediatric dentist is going to brush and count their teeth. Most first visits with children 3 and under will merely consist of a simple examination and possibly a fluoride varnish application. It is most important at these first and early visits, that we comfortably evaluate the health of your child's oral condition, discuss the best ways to maintain excellent oral health, and simultaneously allow a positive visit for you and your children. We have been caring for children's teeth in Newark and Wilmington, Delaware for over 50 combined years and we strive to make all dental visits, positive ones.

Some Tips For Making Your Child Comfortable

Regardless of your child's age ,all parents are welcome and encouraged to be present during visits. Please, do not be worried if your child first exhibits signs of nervousness. Our staff and doctors are quite skilled at alleviating fear, and at creating a positive experience.

Please, Do not use intimidating words like "needle", "drill" or "pain" whatsoever, when discussing a first or any dental visit to a child. Even if you might be trying to prepare your child, these words can greatly discourage your child. Please allow us to introduce and describe any new instrument or procedure that may be needed with your child. We are quite experienced in showing and describing things in less intimidating ways.

If you have any questions about your child's first visit, or any other oral health issue, feel free to call our office to discuss it with our staff or the Pediatric Dentist directly.

We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Contact Us

Our Location

Hours of Operation

Office Hours


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

For administrative Hours



